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Funding Your Retirement

When you retire, your retirement income will come from many sources — your FMP benefits and government benefits will provide a good portion, and your personal savings and other sources will make up the rest. Find out how these sources of income can help you fund your retirement goals.
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  • Funding Your Retirement

FMP Benefits

Government Benefits

Explore the benefits FMP offers to help you plan and save for the future.

  • 401(k) Savings Plan
  • Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP)
Understand the Social Security system and how it supplements your other income.

FMP Benefits

Explore the benefits FMP offers to help you plan and save for the future.

  • 401(k) Savings Plan
  • Capital Accumulation Plan (CAP)

Government Benefits

Understand the Social Security system and how it supplements your other income.

Personal Savings

Consider how your personal savings and investments will help you reach your retirement goals.

Funding Your Retirement Quiz

Map out your retirement income. Take this quick, confidential quiz to test your knowledge on retirement funding and how you’re doing building yours.

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